Saturday, April 2, 2011

It's Calving Time

We went to let some of the close to calving elite mothers out of the yards and into a paddock nearby. We took the new toy. We went by the river.

Then by the old shed that's seen better days.

Down to check the water. Look at that sky.

This is why that particular paddock is called Grave Paddock. Two little boys lost to dysentry.

There's that camera again.
While Gibbo blocked the laneway I encouraged everybody out.

Some took a little more encouraging than others. This little guy just didn't want to move. He was quite comfortable where he was thank you very much.

Are YOU my momma?Yes, stay close this time. Come on.

1 comment:

Fiona said...

Calving time is always a favourite time of year.
The tag looks to be weighing that little fellow down though!