Saturday, April 16, 2011

Green Harvest

This is the package that arrived the same day as Drew's. R from the office thought I'd bought shoes online! Never! It contained Sebago potatoes, Italian White garlic and 8 beautiful strawberry plants. I was very impressed with the quality of the produce and the swift delivery time. Ordered Sunday night, despatched Tuesday, arrived Wednesday. I'll be doing more of this sort of shopping in the future.
I got the strawberries into the ground the next morning. The rest will have to wait until there's time. The peas don't need covering any more. They're surviving quite well.

1 comment:

Fiona said...

We're obviously on exactly the same page Mare. Mine also came from Green Harvest, ordered Monday, arriving Thursday. Same Sebago potatoes and garlic. (Matthew was tempted to cut the potatoes into chips tonight, fortunately I found others).