Saturday, April 9, 2011


Princess Consuela and Captain Banana Hammock..........don't ask..........Megan named them from an episode of Friends. Not saying anymore. I had to carry out a slight modification to the door. The ducks would have easily squeezed out through the mesh so I covered it. Looking glamorous too I might add. This is their temporary home until we (or someone) builds a new, larger pen. Everybody came to visit, to welcome the new arrivals and wish them well in their new home.
Everybody had a sniff. Some wondered what these strange new creatures were....and then wandered off to eat the rosellas through the garden fence while the humans were preoccupied with the pretty ducks.
And here they are. They're little and flightly and a bit scared but if I spend enough time with them they'll quieten.

As is usual in the avian world, the male of the species has more colourful plumage than the female. Typical. Those blokes always like to show off. Princess Consuela is very sweet and has a gentleness about her.

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