Saturday, April 9, 2011

Friday Morning, Friday Afternoon

Friday was our annual Show Holiday. I did some jobs at home in the morning before spending the bulk of the day at the office doing eom reports.
I'm looking for a name for this little man but after Megan's duck naming episode (names which have now stuck and can never be changed) I'm not putting any requests out there. Well actually I did and when I saw Drew's suggestion I withdrew the request. So I am going to name him.
Tess and Anakin have come to visit for the weekend. Chloe is the centre of attention here because she has the mouse.

Mandy and the kids came for a farm visit and stayed the night. They knew there was something missing from the pig pen. They think Millie has gone to live at the Ag College with the other pigs. It's what I used to tell my kids when they were little; then we'd sit down to a delicious meal of pork or lamb that night. Megan wants me to pay for those therapy sessions she's sure she's going to need later in life.

Pepper licking the coleslaw dish.We're putting 9 chooks in the show. It's all been a last minute, rushed preparation but I'm predicting the silkies will wipe the floor with the wyandottes!!

A quick manicure...or is that a pedicure?Resting in the washing basket. Do Not Disturb.

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