Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Choose Your Response

During our Personal Development day last week, presenter Jill referred to a man named Victor Frankl when we were discussing certain aspects of character and what makes one of us different to the next. His book, Man's Search for Meaning chronicles his experiences as a concentration camp inmate and describes his psychotherapeutic method of finding a reason to live.

We also spent a while on the "Listen, Pause, Respond" concept, one that I try to implement but am not always successful at.

I've just gone to one of my favourite blog girls and found this quote:

Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom. - Victor Frankl.

Is the universe speaking to me? How ironic (?) that this quote arrives in my life not 5 days after I've been intensely studying  the very message it's sending.

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