This is the best the CSJ hedge has ever looked; in fact it's so good, it's too heavy for the flimsy fence trying to hold it up. A combination of fertiliser and a whole lot of rain has really helped it along. Someone really should trim it but I kind of like the wild look (I also like it because that "someone" would have to be me).
The honeysuckle on the archway is thick and heavy too; it's one of my favourite scents.
Megan's rose - Black Beauty
Honeysuckle at the bottom of a palm tree.
CSJ at the bottom of another palm tree.
Pink standard roses (crooked ones) break the hedge at four points.
I did manage to have the five of us (Chris was here) picking up sticks and spreading mulch today, just for half an hour. That means I got 2 and 1/2 hours done in the garden instead of just 1/2 an hour of me on my own. Thanks for your help guys, we did good. Same again next weekend hey? Hey? Hey? Where did everybody goooooooooo??????????
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