Thursday, December 15, 2011

Gingerbread House, Take 2, 2011

After the unfortunate incident with Gingerbread House, Take 1, 2010 (where the entire house collapsed in on itself) Meg thought that buying a pre-fab model this year might offer a more sturdy construction.

Not so. Whilst the walls and roof were reasonably sturdy, the supplied construction material (ie the icing glue) was not of a suitable consistency to provide adequate stickability.

For a minute there we thought she had it...........
But alas, no..........

Bring on Gingerbread House, Take 3, 2012.

1 comment:

Fiona said...

Oh no! Though I have very skilfully avoided the subject, the children again declared we will be making a gingerbread house! Stay tuned for that adventure sometime next week.
Enjoy your beachside break. Am valiantly trying to keep all budgie-smuggling images at bay.