Sunday, October 23, 2011

Yesterday (and Friday Night)

Dear Meg and Drew,

Another weekend has gone which means another weekend closer to seeing you both! I can't believe that in six days you will be together; Drew will see/touch/hug/kiss/laugh with someone from his own family for the first time in 9 months and 2 days!! Meg will get to jump on him and meet the people who have been his family since March. He will be able to show her all the things he's told us about. They will go shopping together for Antarctica. They will have a wonderful time.

Gibbo had last week off in an attempt to re-charge his batteries a little, but he ended up working for two days. We went back to the doctor and she was pleased with his blood pressure readings; he has lost a couple of kgs.

Friday night we went to the R's to watch the bronze medal playoff for the World Cup. I very nearly fell asleep. Instead of pizzas we had fish and salad (and G and I snuck in a crab stick too).

I've had one of those weekends that I love....did a little bit of housework (vacuumed and mopped the living/kitchen area). I spent ages/hours over at The Garden. I just love pottering and tinkering over there. I went to town to shop and ran into D so went and had a coffee with her. I bought some magazines (trying to wean myself off the ipad a bit).
It's incredible how much the radishes and cabbages have grown in a couple of weeks. I saw a few baby grasshoppers today; that's all I need.

I bought one of the magazines because of the delicious looking bacon and egg pie on the cover. The recipe uses 12 eggs!! We've stopped incubating the Barnevelder eggs and, with the girls laying 7 a day, there's a severe oversupply. (I took 4 dozen to the office on Friday and gave them away). When I got home from shopping I made the pie...........

It was really good! We didn't have it for dinner - we had grilled barramundi and salad (yes, fish again). I had a little piece of it when I woke up on the couch at 2.20 this morning. Delicious. This would be a good pie to make every weekend to use up some eggs and for lunches. Here's the salad we had with dinner.
It looks like Poofy has had a reaction to being shaved; poor old man, he just can't win. He's itchy and scratchy; we bathed him in some hyper-allergenic oatmeal Dr Harry shampoo; it's helped a little. We might need to get some more of that steroid cream that we used when he had scrotum rash after being shaved for his neutering.

 Anyway, he's found a little comfort in the beanbag that was once Drew's (and Coco's).

Here's Coco, flat our after a day of helping. It's hard work being a helper.
 And - guess what this is??!! It's AN EGG. Isn't that exciting!! Ah - but guess what KIND of egg it is?? IT'S A DUCK EGG - YES, THE MADARIN DUCK IS LAYING. There's a slight problem with it though (obviously). It's got a dint in it! And it's shell is very thin..............but it's our first egg. I hope it's not our last.

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