Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Hampers and The Tree

Meg lined up the hampers in The Green Room (which still has all those pictures/paintings looking for a home) and as we finished each item she added them in.

Two lucky recipients even got some wagyu in theirs.

Our minimalist tree; on Sunday, Meg decorated it while I sat and watched and offered advice on placement (which she ignored anyway).

Yesterday Drew and G went fencing. It was a big help to G to have a strapping young lad as his labourer instead of a puny mature aged wife. After lunch Drew and I went to down to do some last minute jobs and pick Mum up. We had visitors later in the afternoon and shared a drink and some nibblies.

Today is a big day in the kitchen. Meg will be home tonight. It's beginning to feel a lot like....

1 comment:

Gracey is not my name.... said...

Okay when I read G and Drew went fencing I thought you meant the sport..and I was picturing them in their fencing outfits...it took a minute to realize you meant they were putting up fences....sometimes the differences in speech/culture make me giggle....

Lucky recipients of your boxes...