Thursday, December 26, 2013

Cricket and a Boat Race

The fourth Ashes test begins on tv/radio and the Sydney to Hobart yacht race starts - it must be Boxing Day in Australia. I confirmed my complete disinterest in cricket when I naively asked yesterday at the festive table, "Where is the game being held?". I was shouted down, with derision, by both brothers and husband. Cricket. Meh.

We had a really slow start to today; I've found it hard to get going. We're in Twba at Binda with Gibbo's family. We'll have a night here then head home tomorrow to spend a week working on the farm job list.

Yesterday was a lovely day spent with family for lunch and friends for dinner. We enjoyed the ritual santa sack reveal with all of us on our bed then the gift exchange in front of the minimalist christmas tree.

Gibbo bought me a cart for the garden (great idea) then proceeded to use it to transport his tap king beers and his dog over to the shed....

and back again with two bird feeders (in boxes).

As every other year we had a beautiful lunch time meal. My parents came and so did my two brothers; they both brought partners this year. There was the four of us too - so for the first time ever there was a full contingent! This year is the first time that Peter has brought someone.

Christmas afternoon movie. I snuck away for a little sleep.

A late afternoon photo.

Our Filipino friends came for dinner.

PJ made a box for the back of the bike.

And so here we are at Boxing Day 2013. For the first time in 9 years I haven't had 20+ people/children/dogs turn up on my doorstep. We came to Binda and had some pool fun.

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