Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Day 6 CQ2012 Hervey Bay to Tiaro

Thursday September 13, 2012

This was a pretty flat 81km ride with heavy traffic again from Hervey Bay back to Maryborough. We went through a beautiful section of the old town near the wharf and had a hairy couple of street crossings. We finally got back onto country roads and had a great ride into Tiaro. Pulling up for another chocolate milk, LB spied a house with a heap of tie dyed tablecloths/bed throws hanging up, blowing in the breeze. We ventured over for a look and I spied CAMELS so I grabbed this one:

and this one. They're huge. LB stuffed them in her backpack and carried them the 1km to the camping ground.

The view from my tent.

There was plenty of talk at dinner (spaghetti bog with corn cobs and greek salad followed by apricot danish and custard) about the next day's ride and the amount and severity of the hills. It all made me quite anxious and I took myself quietly off to bed and told myself that if I could make it up that range on the first day, I surely could make it up a few hills.

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