Friday, November 12, 2010

Chickens, Adolescent Chickens, Cats and Goats

Newborn chicks under the light in the family room - all silkies and barnies..
 Can you see Chloe in amongst all that jewellery!?
 Eyes and ears are open, all bodily functions regular and in order.
 These are some of the many juveniles/adolescents, looking scrappy and unkempt. That particular behaviour obviously crosses species. Please get out of the food dish; other chickens have to eat out of it as well you know. There's silkies, wyandottes and barnevelders in this group. The silkies look especially ragged at this age.
We had a disturbing incident late last week involving a goat (Pepper), a broken gate, a garbage bin and some sorghum. A belly full of it. Then there was the oil and the bi-carb soda and the syringe. Two trips in the back of my car to the feedlot to see stockman Ted. A visit from the vet when she came to do the feedlot visit. End result - a sick goat for a few days, fully recovered now. Megan was almost gored (in her opinion) in the calf by those horns when they were all out walking. She made Drew piggyback her home. Drama Queen Extraordinaire. Today she put carrots on the horn tips but not for long. They fell off, then Peppie ate them.

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