Friday, October 2, 2009

Coco the Brave

We had another dog disaster a couple of weeks ago. If our animals were children, we would have been reported to the child safety authorities months ago.

Gibbo and MF were standing in the back of a ute using brute force to dislodge a large gum tree branch that had broken off in a storm and become stuck in the fork of the tree. As they used all their strength to push it off and let it go, little dog ran out from under the ute - and the branch landed on her and knocked her out.

The boys raced her to the vet and she woke up half way there. By the time she arrived, she had regained consciousness but didn't look good. It was terrible news as we'd just lost Sal. So, over the next 7 days she slowly recovered. She was on steroids to keep the swelling down. I went to visit her 48 hours after it happened and her back legs weren't working. Drew and I went again the next day and three legs were working. She wasn't good.

I thought she probably wouldn't make a 100% recovery but she has proved us wrong and is racing around again, into everything and full of sass.

1 comment:

willywagtail said...

We nearly lost our brand new chi pup to pneumonia a few weeks ago. I couldn't believe that he could barely hold himself up off the floor but now he is back do double backwards flips with landing and jumping off again. Animals can bring such joy to your heart. Sorry to hear about your othe rdog. Cherrie