Saturday, March 19, 2011

It's Quiet Out Here

We've been travelling a couple of hours west for the last few weeks and will continue to do so for at least another month or six weeks. I'm trying to do office work at both places and it's leaving me a little frazzled trying to keep up with my regular job commitments and keeping the W office ticking over as efficiently as possible. I have 31 years of office admin experience so I know the general run of an office - but none are exactly the same and it takes time to pick up on the different idiosyncracies of a new office. Combined with the myriad of things I worry/think about/ought to be doing/would like to be doing/other obligations I sometimes look at myself and ask WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING????????? IS THIS REALLY HOW YOU WANTED TO SPEND THIS YEAR??????????? Well actually, no it's not.
On a brighter note, some good things have happened lately. I made contact with Jill and will pursue that goal in May after the chaos settles; an increase in salary has helped (slightly) to make our crazy current lifestyle a little more worth it; and Drew has a Canadian family who are looking after him like his real one. This brings me great relief.
I have two main goals for the year - I've achieved the first one by contacting Jill; the second one is to walk the Milford Track (and if not the Milford, then at least complete a significant walk in Australia). That's not going to happen before the winter now so my goal will have to be re-set for the later part of the year.
If only my tongue was a bit longer I'd reach that itch...........

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