Monday, May 13, 2013

Planting out the Veges

At last I've planted out the first round of winter veges - and I only used half the garden so there's plenty of room to experiment with some other things that I might not usually plant. I'm really interested to see how these go; there's a very thick layer of old horse manure on top and I had to dig deep to get to the dirt and turn it over - but it felt and smelt beautiful so I have high hopes for a bumper crop of everything. The soil is so friable that I might even be able to grow a decent carrot! Time will tell.

The empty garden with a plank down the middle to provide easier access. I think I'll divide the area into 4 separate sections.

10 punnets - 8 vege and 2 flower - eschallots, capsicum, beetroot, lettuce, carrots, celery, cauli, broccoli and calendula and poppies.

Gibbo hastily built a fence around the garden to keep out whatever has been nipping at the garlic; we think it's a hare or two.

Finally, some coriander in a pot on the tank stand, where the herbs live. I couldn't get rosemary at either nursery in town; I was surprised at that.

1 comment:

Ainsley said...

Veggie patch looks great....hope Gibbo's fence is successful. Our fence looks like a fortress yet the rabbits are still able to wriggle in for the fresh growth!