Sunday, May 26, 2013

On the Road Again

Yesterday I rescued my bike from the garage, dusted her off, pumped up her tyres and oiled her chain.

Today I rode for the first time in nearly 8 months. I turned right out of our driveway (after having to come back twice to chase the dogs home; the second time I had to walk back and lock Poofy up) and rode until the bitumen ended (which really wasn't that far!); it was a beautiful day and a very flat road. Then I grew a little ambitious and decided to ride into town. Sometimes, as I've driven that road, I've wondered what it might feel like on a bike, especially the bit where the road rises quite sharply and veers to the left until it hits the crest where the sign is. Well, today I found out. Actually, it feels quite hard and my butt muscles burned. I did a quick lap around town (which didn't take long) then headed home. All up I rode 20km which is a good distance first time out and the route is definitely a good one to get a bit of a cardio workout happening; there was a lot of counting of revolutions and breaths going on - it helps me focus!

When I got home I restarted (for the third time) the 30 day "squat" challenge that I started at the beginning of May. I kept forgetting to do them but now I've got the list on the fridge to remind me. Today it was 50; by day 30 I'll be doing 250 and expect to have a butt like Flo-Jo!!!! (google her Meg and Drew; you're both too young to know who she is)!

1 comment:

Fiona said...

I know who Flo-Jo is Mare! 20K ride after an extended break ... good effort.