Sunday, December 30, 2012

The Project Must Begin

We had a couple of good storms at the farm this week that delivered 3 inches. The paddock grass has really responded and everything is looking green. We've got another wagyu calf, this one a heifer.

These are the 8 oldest girls, separated from the others so that we can keep a close eye on them as a group.

While Gibbo ran barb I spent a couple of hours drawing a floor plan of the house and measuring EVERY wall, doorway, ceiling, verandah and slab. The Project now has to start in earnest; we have a deadline date which makes everything more real. We start next weekend; first job is to paint the kids bedrooms and we'll see how we progress from there.

1 comment:

Valerie said...

What a busy but exciting time lies ahead of you. I'll be anxiously watching your posts to see all you do to your new home.