Sunday, March 4, 2012

Twenty Five Years!

It's the time for anniversaries. At Easter, twenty-five years ago, Gibbo started at the feedlot. I met him just after that. This story appeared in the A L F A magazine this month.

He spent an hour on the phone one morning with the journalist; I didn't know until I came across this paragraph when I was proofreading it a few days later that he mentioned me as one of the three people who had had a "significant impact" on him. It made me cry a bit because he's never really acknowledged my contribution before - especially not in such a public way as this.

I wonder how many more years he's got in him for this industry?!

1 comment:

Fiona said...

These men of ours who are usually very good at holding audience in a crowd, are not the ones who usually offer words of appreciation, at least not to their wives. And perhaps when they do it makes it so much more special, and sincere.