Thursday, April 8, 2010

I'm Back on My Bike

I've been feeling the need to clear some cobwebs in my head so went riding on Monday - first time out in six months and it was fantastic. I just rambled and wandered, not trying to race anybody or keep up with anyone. Thankfully my on board computer has died so I'm not consumed by numbers, how fast, how slow, cadence, average speed etc. It felt so good. I rode around 20km - across two highways and down to the 11th telephone pole on the left! We've measured the distance before so I knew roughly how far I went. I'd pedal for a minute then coast; pedal and coast; it was very refreshing and relaxing and enjoyable.

Tuesday I rode 10km - down to the yellow 'school bus turning' sign and back.

I'm slowly starting to smile again :)

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