Friday, April 16, 2010

Another Week Gone

Where do they go?? Back to school on Tuesday for Drew, Term 2 Grade 12. Oh dear, November looms :(

I came home from work on Tuesday and spread 12 bales of spoiled lucerne in the garden. Head office visitors tomorrow for breakfast - it's amazing what the threat of visitors makes you do. I guess at least it keeps me on my toes!

Wednesday breakfast went well then Gibbo flew off to the west and CQ for property visits; he'll end up in Bris Thursday night, meetings Friday then back home Friday night.

Meg, Chris and I took Mate to Brisbane yesterday for a checkup on his defibrillator - all went well. We had an early start; I was feeding all the chooks in the dark at 5.10am. We were three hours down, three hours at doctors then three hours back - a quick way to kill 9 hours. My Dad is just great to be around; he's grounded and sensible and funny and intelligent and I just love him to bits. He's quite philosophical about all this heart business and I like his outlook on life.

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