Saturday, June 25, 2011

Breeding Season

Now it's breeding season - no more shows now until next year (apart from the Qld wyandotte show next weekend). Last Sunday we trimmed up the silkies and put them into their breeding groups. Several whites have gone clucky and are totally "in the zone".

 The barnevelder team has grown to ten hens; they lay magnificent eggs. We never really intended having barnies; someone sent up a dozen eggs on a cattle truck from the south and here we are (a fox attack one night saw us end up with only one hen; a strategic purchase at last year's auction delivered a rooster and the breeding program began again).

The black silkies are my favourite (at the moment).
Last Saturday, Old Red had all these wives. Now he's only got 4! We sold all the others on Sunday.
There are chickens (of course).

Don't forget the ducks!

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