Monday, September 27, 2010

RRS Filming

Drew has gone off with a bunch of other students from his school and State High to film a short reality segment as part of the RRS road safety campaign. It's aimed at adolescents and will be shown to all the Grade 12's in the district during the last week of school. The general idea of the script runs along the (unfortunately) familiar story of teenage party, plenty of drinking, girl likes boy, boy likes different girl, argument, car full of teens leave party, car hits something....there are casualties and injuries. The film will end there and cut to a black screen.

Cue to last week of school-the kids are all shown the film. Then they all go outside to find the exact scene set up and the show real time. The kids involved in the "accident" are in various stages of distress/disbelief/hysteria. There is fake blood involved. The scene is acted out to it's conclusion which I think involves a sad ending. Apparently it's very powerful (it certainly sounds it) and one year, a girl became very distressed when confronted with the whole episode.

Two State High teachers and the police are involved along with about a dozen SH kids and three from our school. They will finish late tonight and have to be back there at 7 in the morning. I'm keen to see how it went this evening; I expect it could be rather emotional for them all.

Drew is playing the role of the driver.

1 comment:

Fiona said...

It sounds like a great idea, hopefully the audience will take it seriously and learn from it.
I don't look forward to the day my kids start driving! Can only imagine the level of worry involved.

PS. Making my chook dome today!
Stay posted.