Sunday, June 3, 2012

Attack of the Lemon

Meg and I took Drew to the new farm to show him around. Finally, all the most important people in my life have now seen it. He loves it. Everyone approves. Even me. At last.

Meg and I went to inspect the lemon tree; if anything needed to be picked, she had to be the one to do it. So she did....and when she went to smell the lemon, she stuck the stalk up her nose. Karma. Drew had the camera out to take some photos. He recorded the whole thing!

Discussing the beauty of the green hills against the dark sky.

My bebes.

A selfie.

More progress! The hole is dug and the post is in - and do you notice, the sign is gone.

A card from Pam.

The offending lemon and stalk.

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