The kids understand the significance of Yoda in my life. As corny as it sounds, he (and my passed Grandmother) helped me through a bad patch seven years ago. I won't go into too much detail but it involved a lump in my lung, a fear of dying and leaving my children motherless at 11 and 16, a lot of meditation, some herbs and oils, an operation, the letting go of a lot of crap and a reassessment of my life. Now, I am an intelligent educated woman and I know that Yoda isn't real - but you really had to be here during that October in 2004 to understand - and even then you might not have; only I knew what was really going on inside during that period and those overwhelming meditation sessions.
When the kids were together in Ottawa they found a little figurine of Yoda. There's a lot of cartoonish ones out there and I'm strictly an original Yoda fan. A little book came with the statue. When I read it I found this; it's so appropriate.
He teaches must be mindful of the present, not dwell on the past nor remain fixated on the future; that one stays grounded in reality by accepting what is, not wishing for what may be; that intention without action is meaningless, and that wisdom is within reach of those who are clear-headed and emotionally composed. Probably the most important thing Yoda teaches his students is this: believe in yourself.
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