Monday, May 2, 2011

Another Public Holiday!

Meg has decided to build a garden on the plot where Millie lived. Chris has been commandeered to help. A lot.

Ladybug on tomato.
I photographed the teenagers just as the sun was setting yesterday afternoon. They were bathed in a golden glow and the red and partridge ones looked magnificent (well they did to me anyway).

Princess Consuela and Captain Banana Hammock (I still can't quite believe that) have settled in and settled down. Captain's colours have enrichened and he's very handsome. The Princess still has a quiet demureness about her. I sat in the pen with them for a little while yesterday.

Andrew came for a roast pork and trimmings lunch. We had cappucinos and Meg's biscuits too. Then the Surat crew called in on their way to head office for the managers induction. After the huge lunch, dinner was tea and toast.

I managed to get the BAS done over the weekend; last year's tax still isn't completed. I'm so close, it would take less than an hour to tie it all up but I totally, totally lack motivation. I just can't make myself do it. More visitors tomorrow, this time from Singapore. We met these people when we were there last August. I'm sure they won't remember!

The troops are watching a rather horrid movie. I'm off to bed with my ipad and book.

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