It's been an interesting ten days since I last posted. I've worked, travelled, talked, thought, decided, laughed, cried, travelled again, walked, read, slept and eaten out.
At the beginning....
We go back a little to ten days ago - I modified Drew's Nolan House Captain cape for Teah. She had asked if we still had it and I thought that we'd passed it on. However, I found it hanging in Gibbo's wardrobe (has he been playing superheroes when I haven't been looking!?). So I cut 45cm off it, hemmed it and Meg delivered it. Teah was very proud to wear Drew's cape.
I finally felt that I was catching up at work after the demands of traveling to Surat for weeks.
Meg and I went to Brisbane so that I could catch up with JR, someone I met at the women's conference I attended last year. This visit could make a good blog post if I decide to do one.
Drew went on a trip to Toronto and Niagara Falls with 20 other STS international kids. They "planked" all over Toronto and had an amazing time.
We had a beautiful fog event last Sunday morning; it reminded me of New Zealand and I felt like I was on top of the world.
Gibbo and I are at the end of a week's holiday at the Gold Coast for the TT Cricket Carnival. It's been great (I haven't been to a game) but it's gone too quickly. I'll post about the week later and add a few photos.
And so, you're all caught up- exciting hey??!!?