Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Hampers 2015

In September we made the hamper list - recipients and ingredients. As in every other year we vowed and declared that we'd start early and be super organised by the time Christmas came so that there was no stress at the end. As in every other year, we failed on that count. We were still cooking/making/baking Christmas Eve afternoon (the power outage didn't help). I had to remake the strawberry jam because 2 of the bottles, made weeks before, went mouldy so I threw the lot out and started again. When we started the hamper idea a few years ago we thought it sounded easy but there's an awful lot of work goes into producing them! Meg went the extra mile this year and printed out labels for everything! They looked lovely.

There was feta cheese.

Our own version of rocky road.


Drowning in icing sugar.

 A parsley plant.

Lemon Butter.

Washing liquid.

Tomato chutney.

Strawberry jam.

Basil pesto.

And a tea towel!

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