Saturday, November 23, 2013

A Bean and Some Garlic

We brought one precious New Guinea Bean seed all the way back from our recent trip to Bendigo. It's taken me a little while to get around to planting it. I cleaned out one square of the vege garden and added some fresh compost, ready for some new veges; I planted the bean seed beneath the little trellis. I hope it grows.

The stick marks the spot!

The garlic leaves all died so I figured it might be time to dig it up. I don't know a lot anything about growing garlic; I even wondered sometimes if it actually was garlic because most people who saw it said it didn't look like garlic. It smells FANTASTIC.

I hung them to dry on the ladder in the garage. This is the ladder that's supposed to find it's way to the bathroom to become our towel rack. I tried plaiting the leaves but I sucked at that. See how they're still a bit green down near the bulb? Maybe I pulled them a tad early? Time will tell.

I got into a lot of trouble from a little willy wagtail as I hung the garlic. I was much too close to her nest for her comfort.

It seems they've been up at my chook pens, collecting silkie feathers to decorate their nest.

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