Saturday, July 17, 2010

A Peach is Born

Remember that fat goat called Pepper that came to live here 5 weeks ago (feels like 5 years ago now). Well yesterday - it gave birth - all by itself! How clever! It didn't even wait for Megan to prepare the birthing kit (iodine, scissors, phone number of experienced goat birther, towels, dental floss to tie off umbilical cord etc etc) and Meg never got the chance to be a birthing partner! How disappointing.

I went to check on the progress of some chickens at 3pm and instead of chickens I found a kid sitting in the goat pen, all dry and licked clean and happy. It' the cutest little thing you've ever seen and has been out for a walk already. It's name is Peach.

Megan is worried about it getting cold and wants to bring it inside to sleep in front of the heater. I said No to that 'cos we'd have to bring the mother in too. Megan wishes her father was here because she's quite sure that he'd let her bring it in (she's probably right too).

The next few days should be interesting.

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