Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Megan Left Today

Just for a few days but still long enough to make me cry. She drove away in her little red car about 6.30am; after breakfast I lay down in the walk-in-robe where Drew has been sleeping and read my book, waiting to hear from her as she made her journey.

She is spending the next few days on the northern NSW coast with some Uni friends. She made a batch of home made spaghetti last night to take with her and also took some 1824 beef as well.

She drove all the way on her own, through sunshine and rain and arrived at her destination at 1.30pm. Her friends came across the channel in a boat to pick her up.

I can't wait to see her again :)

I went to the office for a few hours to see what cattle had arrived and to collect myself. Four more visitors arrived today.

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