Sunday, August 11, 2013

We've Been Busy

The weekend started like this....

and ended like this.....

Everyone was happy and smilin'........

I need to do another 4 or so posts to fit everything in - otherwise this one will be waaay too long.

Meg arrived home Friday night - finally - after getting lost AGAIN on the back roads. She brought her camera - all these shots are from it.

We went to town on Saturday morning to do a few jobs. It's always fun when Meg and I go to town; we always take much longer than planned. I get bored quickly when shopping whereas Meg could shop forever! I showed her the house my Dad has bought; we went to the health food shop to buy essential oil (more on that later); we bought wine and food.

There was plenty of outside activity.

They're IN!! The Scratchers have begun their very important job of turning 7 blue circles into productive vegetable gardens.You Go Kids.

 The broccoli plants are coming into head; this is the biggest one.

Oh there I am, looking glamorous in my cool morning attire.

These two little boys hang out with The Teenagers. Their sisters went to live at Peter's; their parents are The Scratchers.

First drink of the morning at the communal bowl.

Sooky La-la gets an egg most days but she never eats them unless you break them open for her (too precious). She snatches it out of your hand, puts her nose in the air and runs away and buries it. I don't think she's ever gone back to dig one up and eat it. Poofy, on the other hand, can't even walk two steps away before he lays his egg on the ground and very gently cracks it open and licks all the goodness out. He ends up with yolk all over his beard.

I've got a couple of corker black silkies. A couple came yesterday to buy some Wyandottes off G and desperately wanted to buy one of my silkies.

Meg has missed this view...

and this one.

Here she is heading back to the house to get some treats for Pepper and The Marauders.

Gobbler George/Billy doing his thing again; Megan is very unnerved by him.

Car washing weather.

There was also a lot of cooking, some simple living activities and some more planning of animal pens. Gibbo brought the cows down to the front paddock to have them close by for preg testing on Tuesday. It was one of those weekends where we fitted so much in and went to bed tired but happy.

1 comment:

Fiona said...

We all went to bed feeling much the same last night Mare.
Isn't the tiredness that comes from physical activity so different to that which comes from hours doing bookwork in front of this blasted computer?
Will look forward to the next four posts.