Thursday, March 25, 2010

PC and the Round Garden

The permaculture, or round garden as I’ve taken to calling it, is still coming along nicely. The single thing that has impressed me the most about starting the garden is that there’s a definite plan to follow. By loosely following the book and sticking fairly close to what the moon calendar is telling me I’ve managed to actually grow something that we’ve eaten. I’ve done that before, sporadically, but with a bit of guidance this is the first time I’ve replanted and had a continuous supply of veges growing at different stages. Here's two of my main assistants, who mostly watch what I do!

Last weekend we planted leafy veg – lettuce, spinach, coriander, mint, broccoli, cauli and cabbage. Station 2 was still a bit hot but I added a bag of potting mix and a couple of buckets of black soil and it came up a treat.

This morning (Thursday) I planted fruiting veges (those that you eat the seed or fruit of) including zucchini, capsicum, peas and cherry toms. Next week I’ll plant root veges again.

We’ve discovered that the two adolescent Barnevelders that we thought were roosters have had a miraculous sex conversion and are actually pullets! So now I will have 3 Barnie hens and a rooster and they will be my permaculture chook tribe. The current tribe is a bit of a motley crew – the 2 original barnies (rooster and hen), 1 white Wyandotte and 1 silver laced Wyandotte. Barnie’s lay fantastic eggs so there’ll be plenty for cooking and eating.

I can’t remember if I’ve mentioned that I’m going to make the middle station the herb garden. I can’t wait for the circle to be ready so that I can go back to the nursery and buy all those beautiful smelling herbs that I can’t help but touch and smell when I'm there, especially the lemon scented verbena. I probably won’t use half of them to cook with but they’ll look and smell good!
Photos to come…. still.
Stormy skies but no rain.

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