Saturday, January 2, 2010


aren't really something I do. This year I want to keep in better touch with Sylvia in Sydney. I found an article in the paper last week and liked what I read; I want to share it with the kids when we get a quiet moment. It's from the Courier-Mail but originates from author and public speaker, Andrew Griffiths.

1. Let go of the old stuff holding you back (let go)
2. Develop the habit of looking at situations from other peoples' point of view (empathy)
3. Don't be afraid to get uncomfortable (get out of your comfort zone)
4. Learn not to judge a book by its cover (be open minded)
5. Step up and take responsibility for your life (if you have an issue, deal with it)
6. Remember to stop and celebrate along the way (don't be too hard on yourself)
7. Stop comparing yourself to others (forget the possessions)
8. If you lay down with dogs, you get up with fleas (look at the people in your life)
9. Do more of the things that rock your boat (make a list of the things you love to do)
10. Self Improvement (invest in yourself emotionally, physically and financially)

That's not a bad list of goals to aim for. If everyone achieved even half of the things on the list we'd be a happier world.

What else do I want to do? This year I want to see Meg settled somewhere and I want to guide Drew through to the end of Grade 12. In a few weeks he'll be back at school and when I turn around next, he'll be finished. I can't really see myself beyond November 2010 - most of the last 20 years has been devoted, totally, to M&D; I'm going to have to re-invent/rediscover myself at some stage.

What else do I want to do?
1. Get back on my bike
2. Keep swimming
3. Get the permaculture thing happening
4. Finish the photo book from NZ 07 (has been finished since 07, just needs words)
5. Go walking, even if it's just around here, before building to a bigger challenge
6. Keep blogging
7. Develop a stream of income independent of our current employer, something I can take with me no matter where we go
8. Buy a laptop (apple) and get mobile wireless broadband so I can blog and surf and run an internet business anywhere, anytime

That will do for now. Goodnight. Camel trekking across the Sahara is beckoning - so is that cup of tea and patty cake!

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