Saturday, November 14, 2009

Storms, Mopokes and Cluedo

There was a big storm here last night with severe wind and squalls. We drove through it as we went to town to the Chinese Restaurant for dinner with the R's. The lights went out so we ate our banquet by candlelight.

There wasn't much damage here at the house although the lawn was carpeted in bark stripped from the gum trees. There'll be an emu parade later today.
The mopokes survived the ordeal. Aren't they funny with their enquiring, accusatory eyes. That's a big word in our house - accusatory - if you speak harshly to someone you are liable to be accused of being accusatory - and no-one wants to be accused. It also means that the person you spoke accusatoringly to has noted the tone/content of your words and wishes to bring to your attention your lack of care in the delivery-so a bridge may need to be built.

If I close my eyes, maybe they won't see me???
Megan's potplants in the gauze room.

Madam Coco, looking beautiful.
We had a great meal of roast chicken, veges and thick gravy for dinner. The kids played Cluedo. Another great day.

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