Saturday, November 7, 2015

Bokashi 101

Drew came home last weekend to do a few days farm work; he brought his Bokashi. We had both left our buckets airtight for two weeks to let the scraps ferment and prepare for burying. I know this photo looks rather disgusting but honestly, the scraps don't smell offensive or rotten - it's just the liquid that you drain off that smells foul.

Here I am looking glamorous, wondering what to do next - or first.

We mixed the scraps with some dirt from the garden, some scrapings from the chook pens and some old feedlot manure.

 Drew dug a trench and we filled it with the mix from the first bucket.

 Next morning we did the same; mixed, dug a new trench and filled it with the second bucket's contents.

Looking glamorous again!

So now we leave the trenches sit for two weeks then plant into them. The other veges that have been planted into crappy soil but watered with the diluted liquid are doing well; the beetroot especially. Forgot to take photos of them. Will update soon.

1 comment:

Michaele said...

No idea what that is but I bet it's good stuff!