Sunday, April 20, 2014

Going Again, Bye Meg

Yesterday we had girl fun; Meg gave me a facial/painted stuff on my face that made it feel like it was set like stone. Remember when you were a little kid and you pulled a face at your mother and she told you that if the wind changed your face would stay that way? Well that's what it felt like - but when we washed the stuff off, my cheeks felt as soft and smooth as a baby's bottom! Then I had the Meg's Beauty Parlour treatment on my eyebrows - and all was good again in the world.

We packed last night, everything strategically placed in pack sacks and toilet bags.

When one travels, one must have ones' priorities in order. That's why one needs to take 6 brushes for applying product to face.....oh, and they don't take up much room either.

It all fitted, with quite a few kilos of room left.

This morning, just before heading to Bris with Drew.

Meg flies for Istanbul at 2.30am tomorrow - she has 21 hours of flying ahead of her, then 2 nights free before meeting the tour group and heading to Gallipoli.

I'm looking forward to a) hearing she's landed safely at the other end and b) found her hotel and
c) hearing all about the ceremony at Anzac Cove. Beyond that there's a flight to Cairo and a tour of Egypt to look forward to.

Love you Megey, miss you already. Take Care. Be Safe. See you Soon. Mwah.

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