Saturday, December 31, 2016

Ten Peaks October 2016 - Part 5

Back at the chalet we gathered in the lounge room and ate lollies and drank cups of hot tea. None of us were in a hurry to shower or pack or go to bed. What began as a social, light hearted rehashing of the previous few days turned into an evening of amazing life stories, sharing and caring, laughing and crying, and learning. It’s so true that each person is fighting their own battle and we never really know just what they have been through or survived. The euphoria produced by the physical accomplishment of climbing the ten highest peaks in Australia was immense but the last night in the chalet with that group of strong women will stay with me for a very long time. I’m very glad to have met each one of them and I feel that they were meant to come into my life and remind me of things I’ve long forgotten.

The next morning when I looked out the window I couldn't believe my eyes - grey cloudy skies, pouring rain and driving wind!! How lucky we were to have had two perfect weather days. We had breakfast, finished packing and jumped in the bus and left for Canberra where we went back to the V--- Hotel and killed time before heading to the airport by eating hot chips and drinking coffee. Our flight home was good; I savoured the time I’d spent with Meg and was glad we’d shared such a wonderful experience.

What did I learn? I learnt that counting will always get you there. I learnt the value of layering your clothing. I only wore 4 layers on top and was very well insulated against the wind and cold. I learnt that anything is possible with the right amount of training. And I learnt to have more confidence in myself and what I’m capable of.

Upon landing we drove back to Toowoomba where Gibbo and Coco picked me up; off we went, back to reality, but a little piece of me stayed in the snowy Snowy Mountains.

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