Saturday, September 19, 2009

Goodbye Sal

We lost Sally, our border collie, on July 12. She was an ageing, sweet and gentle soul who went about her business quietly and softly. She dearly loved the camels when they were here; after they left she turned her attention to the chooks. She loved nothing more than coming on the rounds with us each morning as we fed and watered up; she would track and stalk anyone who might have been out of their pen and she found a new lease of life when little one, Coco, came to stay. She would play and jump and run around.
She died from pancreatitis. She spent 5 days at the vet, slowly going downhill. We went to visit her and finally made the difficult decision to have her put down. It was very hard. I went and picked her up and brought her home; Gibbo dug another hole next to Tilly and Clarabelle and we buried her there.
We've lost three precious dogs in 12 months, not a very nice statistic to quote.

1 comment:

Retreat said...

Sorry about Sal. I know how difficult it is to lose a love one three should be tragic. Be well.