Thursday, July 30, 2015

Boris and The Berkshire Broads

Introducing Boris and his girls, The Berkshire Broads - Bessie, Bonnie and Billie. They came to us quite unexpectedly; we had always planned on getting Berkshires down the track but these 4 became available so we said Yes. We really weren't/aren't set up for them but managed to fit them in. Boris is living in a pen at the cattle yards; we moved the two grower pigs into a new chook enclosure and put the 3 girls in with another spotted sow that was re-homed to us a few weeks ago. Supposedly, the 3 berkshires are pregnant, as is the spotted one. I don't know whether that's a good thing or a bad thing. Guess we'll soon find out. There could be an awful lot of pork running around here soon. I've always thought there's nothing cuter than a newborn piglet but I might change my mind pretty quickly if all 4 decide to deliver at once.

Boris and I have become friends. He talks to me each morning and night when I go to feed him. Actually, he talks to anyone that goes near him, asking for more food please. He made a beautiful bed from left over cattle hay. Isn't he a handsome fellow.

The weaners were very curious.

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